Brush Stroke

7 of the Best Meditation Applications for a Moment of Calm 

Rabbia Yusuf 26/10/2023

Brush Stroke

Offers mindfulness courses, such as Navigating Change, Restfulness, and more. The app also has guided workouts and soothing sounds to help you fall asleep.

Brush Stroke

After taking a well-being assessment, you can choose your goals, which teachers to follow, and track your progress.

Brush Stroke

Find meditation practices, self-hypnosis, and breathwork programs to help you connect with your body and soul. 

Brush Stroke

Has meditations focused on specific situations and feelings. An eating meditation supports mindful nutrition; a PMS relief meditation helps bring calm, etc.

Brush Stroke

Offers users simple meditation, breathing, and movement guides to help you find your calm. Sessions are offered live or on-demand.

Brush Stroke

Features recommendations based on your goals, and even has a program for beginners, with a wide range of  guided meditations.