Rabbia Yusuf 28/10/2023
All you need: a black dress, dark hair (or a black wig) worn in two braids, and dark nail polish.
Napoleon Dynamite and Pedro Sánchez are the most iconic duo there is. This BFF costume is super easy to recreate.
This look is super simple to copy. Put on a leather coat, get a short black wig and big round glasses to really sell it.
Get a pink dress and a pink accessory, and you're done! If you have a dog, that's just a plus.
The Breakfast Club isn't the same without John Bender, and you can be him for a night. Get a flannel, a pair of black jeans, and a grey coat, and you're done.
A classic for halloween. Do some dark make up, and anything black, or ripped, and you're good to go.