Cosmopolitan Middle East has just launched a 6-Episode Mukbang video series on Snapchat. The series will star Arabic-speaking hosts and best friends – Nadine Hossam and Marwa AlHash – who will try out the biggest food trends in the Middle East – from freakshakes to sushi burritos.
In the first episode Marwa AlHash & Nadine Hossam try Arabic snacks that are a major #TB, Nadine and Marwa go on a nostalgic foodie journey – taste testing a handful of Arabic sweets that they ate as children – including Choki Choki, Yupi, and Kokomallow.
So what exactly is a Mukbang? If you go and search it on YouTube, you’ll see thousands of results of people eating food. Yes – you read that correctly. Originating in South Korea, Mukbang videos have been captivating audiences since early 2011. Creators such as Zach Choi and Sulgi have even built cult-followings around the concept – with their Mukbang video views consistently in the tens of millions:
If you want to make a living eating food on camera, then Mukbangs may be the way to go!