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Layla Akil and Mony Helal Compete to Make the Best Dessert Tower at Food Central – City Centre Deira

Things get a bit competitive to say the least…Watch to find out whose tower wins Rouhana’s heart (and his stomach!).

Layla Akil and Mony Helal Compete to Make the Best Dessert Tower at Food Central - City Centre Deira

In today’s episode of Mazaj challenges, Layla Akil and Mony Helal visit Food Central at City Centre Deira to see who can build the most delicious dessert tower – the best way in our opinion to celebrate the Dubai Food Festival. And the judge? None other than Mazaj host Rouhana Al Hage.

In a race against the clock, Layla and Mony race around and try to find the tastiest desserts in Food Central. Things get a bit competitive – with both girls getting sneaky on how to win Rouhana over. Will Mony’s Rouhana-shaped crepes be the way to his heart or will they fall flat? Watch to find out!

If you want to try any of these delicious desserts – head over to Food Central at City Centre Deira – a cool new dining destination that offers specialty cuisines from 17 different countries. Definitely go on an empty stomach: you won’t regret it!