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Expo City Dubai announces first AI film fest
Expo City Dubai has introduced the groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence Film Festival (AIFF), marking the first of its kind in the region. Spanning six months, AIFF promises an array of international competitions, film screenings, panel discussions featuring AI experts and filmmakers, and workshops delving into AI’s transformative role in film production.
The creative communication for this innovative festival was masterfully executed by Livingroom/LRDXB, leveraging AI technology exclusively. The film competition, which commenced in early September, extends an open invitation to both professional and amateur filmmakers to submit AI-enhanced short films, culminating in an awards ceremony slated for February 29th, 2024. The requirements, categories and other important details can be found here.
Jad Hindy, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Expo City, expressed with enthusiasm, “We think the creative community in Dubai will be especially excited to explore the challenges and opportunities of AI film making. The potential for AI filmmaking is limitless and is the playground many creators have been waiting for. We’ve had an amazing response so far. There’s still plenty of time for anyone interested to enter. They just have to visit our website to discover more.”
The AIFF festival serves as a convergence of technology and storytelling, offering a unique platform to explore the intricate relationship between AI and creative expression.
Seyoan Vela, Chief Creative Officer at Livingroom/LRDXB, shared insights from their journey, noting, “At the start of this journey, we didn’t know how much we didn’t know about using AI effectively in production. However much you know in theory, it’s only when you do that you really learn. I really like Jennifer Fischer’s comparison of AI being like a plane sitting on a runway. A bird flies intuitively but a plane can go further, higher, and faster. But you need to learn how to fly it to reach those heights. When we started, we could just about get off the ground. Now we can land at our destination.”
Diego Flórez, Head of Innovation at Livingroom, emphasized the campaign’s intent with ‘AI + U’: “The campaign ‘AI + U’ was born with the clear intention of bringing a positive and responsible message to the creative community. One that says that AI is your perfect partner to create, as it offers the skills you might lack. It won’t do amazing things on its own. It won’t tell great stories or make epic films alone. It needs humans. It needs you (U).”
Expo City Dubai extends an open invitation to filmmakers, tech enthusiasts, and creative visionaries worldwide to join them on this transformative journey at the intersection of AI and film.
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