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A Scavenger Hunt in Emerald Palace Kempinski

Our hosts were up to no good in this episode

A Scavenger Hunt in Emerald Palace Kempinski

We trapped Omar Borkan (@omarborkan) and Shahad Al Khattab (@shahad_alkhattab) in the biggest palace in Dubai Emerald Palace Kempinski (@emeraldpalacekempinski)! The only way they can escape is by finding the treasure that is hidden in the palace.

Join us along this exciting journey on this episode of Expensive Tastes for a chance to win a night’s stay at the biggest hotel in Dubai!

قمنا بحبس عمر بركان وشهد الخطاب في أكبر قصر في دبي! وعليهم البحث عن مفتاح المخفي في مكان في القصر لكي يخرجوا… !!شاهدوا الرحلة كاملا لكي تربحوا فرصة قضاء ليلة في أكبر قصر في دبي!

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