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Why You Shouldn’t Use Linktree in Your Bio

Time to say goodbye to this popular tool

Why You Shouldn't Use Linktree in Your Bio

We all know we can only share one link within our Instagram bio.

While content creators have been working to get around this “rule” with the help of tools like Linktree, we might officially have to say goodbye to this tactic.

Earlier today social media guru Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) shared a tweet with his audience, stating “…Instagram cracking down on link-in-bio tools? Linktree URLs being blocked by Instagram when used in profile bios.” 

While this might not seem like a big deal to your average Insta-fan, we expect content creators and influencers won’t happy to hear about this update.

Wait… what’s Linktree?

According to its website, Linktree is a free tool for optimising your Instagram traffic. It’s popular with bloggers, influencers or anyone who runs a content platform, as it can be used to push traffic back to multiple links.

It’s a very popular tool amongst the content creator and blogger set, especially if they’re trying to push traffic back to other social media channels via the one respective link in their bio.

Throughout the past few years, there’s been a lot of speculation surrounding Linktree and whether content creators should be using it to try to shift traffic from their Instagram to multiple external links.

One netizen thinks she’s come up with a solution…

Either way, it will be interesting to see the future of Linktree and whether or not Instagram will allow links generated by tools like to it to be shared on the platform.

What are your thoughts? Is your Linktree link working in your Instagram bio? Let us know in the comments below.