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How To See Likes on Instagram After They’re Hidden

Here’s how to get around the controversial new “test” the platform has been rolling out

How To See Likes on Instagram After They're Hidden

Instagram has been testing hiding like counts with a percentage of users as you already know, this emerging trend is a step towards protecting users.

The feature was tested in Canada during May 2019. It was extended in November to users in Ireland, Italy, Japan, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand and USA – and now they’re also hiding likes from some users within the UAE.

A certain amount of users could not view the number of likes on their posts, the feature has mixed reactions wherein some users are pro and some against! 

Some users still want to see likes on Instagram, despite their being hidden; some users are happy about the update; and some users simply don’t care.

According to VoxInstagram is increasingly making decisions that prioritize the well-being of our community over our business — for example, reducing pressure on Instagram by hiding likes. This is a measure towards anti-bullying. Instagram wants its users to know that they hear them: The enigmatic algorithm, an eternal source of agony for influencers, has begun to favor more “realistic” content.

More than 55% of those surveyed said they don’t have an opinion Instagram’s decision, per a survey from The Manifest.

About 20% of people supported the decision to hide likes, while 25% oppose the decision, per the survey, which polled 502 U.S. consumers.

If you are Team Pro wait until Instagram makes the feature permanent. As for those of you who aren’t big fans of Instagram hiding likes, here is what you can do…

That’s right, there is a way to see other users likes after Instagram has hidden them. Here’s how to do it.

If you would like to continue viewing likes on photos and videos even after the update becomes permanent, you can install the Socialinsider

Chrome extension that helps you view your Instagram Like counts. TechCrunch tested Return of the Likes and verified that it works. Socialinsider insisted that no data is sent to their servers, which means your data is protected.

TechCrunch stated that the extension only works online for the time being, users can convientenly send a permalink to themselves for any post via the Instagram to monitor the number of likes!

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.

Photo Credit: Unsplash.