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Best mood board account: The Leo is all in the mind

See how the fluent use of color can create a seamless journey of a visual inspiration diary for mood boards.

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The Leo Is All In The Mind, is one of Instagram’s most beloved mood board accounts. The page which defines itself as a “visual inspiration diary” focuses on creating a space for creatives, and inspirational seekers to turn to for the best curated aesthetic.

What sets the page apart from any other visual inspiration mood boards on the internet is the seamless color flow of the page the further you scroll down its feed. Initially, and still an active Tumblr account, The Leo Is All In The Mind creates an atmosphere based around the fluent movement of colour.

Social platforms are great spaces to get visual inspiration for your next planned content to post, but sometimes it does help to have a reference page that curates and filters the best images on the internet for you.

Whether you are following a color aesthetic for your feed or looking for new artistic shoots or even editorial images to incorporate into your presentations, The Leo is All in the Mind is the best space to turn to when in doubt.

Scroll through the rainbow carousel to see some of the best images featured on the page.

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