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The Internet’s reaction to ‘Black Is King’

Beyoncé’s new visual film ‘Black Is King’ took the internet by storm and now even has Tik Tok quaking?

The Internet’s reaction to ‘Black Is King’

‘Black Is King’ premiered on Disney+ on 31 July, 2020.  The visual film was based on The Lion King: The Gift.

The film showcased the life of a young king that was exiled who then finds his way back much like the Lion King Movie.

However, instead of focusing on the meaning of the circle of life like the original movie, Beyoncé promoted the importance of African ancestry, the need to acknowledge the past for a better future and the power of being black.

The film also included other black artists and promoted African culture through the amalgamation of modern and ancient dance, music and outfits.

In an Instagram post about the movie Beyoncé said: “It is my passion project that I have been filming, researching and editing day and night for the past year. I’ve given it my all and now it’s yours.”
The movie proved to be significant due to the occurrence of the current Black Lives Matter movement and so she added: “The events of 2020 have made the film’s vision and message even more relevant, as people across the world embark on a historic journey. We are all in search of safety and light. Many of us want change. I believe that when Black people tell our own stories, we can shift the axis of the world and tell our REAL history of generational wealth and richness of soul that are not told in our history books.”
The film received massive support from not only the Beyhive but also other celebrities like Lizzo and Adel, on Instagram:

Singer Lizzo had a streaming party for the film and posted videos of the black carpet she laid out as well as catered food:

Singer, songwriter Adel also posted a picture of her in an outfit that Beyoncé wore in the film:

The support from fans came reeling in too:

The #mypowerchallenge has even begun on Tik Tok with influencers dancing to the song ‘My Power’ that was in the visual film:

People have also started uploading themselves dancing to the song on twitter…

Have you watched Black is King? What did you think about it?