Selling Sunset premiered on Netflix in 2019, since then it has been addictive to people around the world. The show follows the Oppenheim Group brokerage in Los Angeles while they sell some of the most luxurious houses.
The cast of Selling Sunset constantly describe themselves as a “family” throughout the show, with absolutely no boundaries between them. No topic is off limits at the Oppenheim Group office, they are seen talking about their personal lives for a majority of the show such as their dating lives, breakups, weddings, parties and all sorts of drama.
Me rn #SellingSunset
— Megan (@meganbrady_) August 18, 2020
This could be because it is a reality TV show and it is scripted, but some of the topics they discuss really shouldn’t be discussed in a workplace. For example, the toxicity and meanness Davina and Christine have towards Chrishell, throughout the whole show we get an inside look into the dynamic of the co-workers.
It gets especially terrible at Christine’s wedding reception, when Davina kept insisting to other employees that “there is two sides to every story” and they “don’t really know what really happened” about Chrishell’s sudden divorce, and it was especially obvious that Chrishell was heartbroken.
Scenarios such as this between co-workers would not be normal in real life, to have this type of toxic culture in the workplace would be automatically shut down. Their bosses, or owners of the brokerage, Jason and Brett Oppenheim do not intervene or try to put a stop to cruel behavior.
Name a more toxic work environment, I'll wait. #SellingSunset
— Bi Felicia (@felicibaby) August 22, 2020
Another scenario where the dynamic between the co-workers would probably not be seen in real life, is the ongoing plot about how co-workers think Mary is getting listings because she and Jason used to date.
In the fourth episode, she defends herself, saying her co-workers are being disrespectful and are taking away her hard work and accomplishments from her.
Once again, this could all be for show on camera to preserve engagement and viewers.
Have you watched the latest season of Selling Sunset on Netflix?
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