The popular American teen thriller drama series filled with mystery is now getting rebooted as ‘Pretty Little Liars – Original Sin’, which is a darker version of the series. Originally based on the novel series written by Sara Shepard, the spin-off will not only feature a new story with new characters but also carry a tagline: “New town. New secrets. New Little Liars.”
The well-known series dives into the lives of four teenage high-school girls whose clique falls apart after their leader mysteriously disappears. The estranged friends reunite after they all start receiving puzzling and suspicious messages threatening to expose their dark secrets from their past, by a mysterious figure named “A”.
The original cast developed by I. Marlene King, features Lucy Hale as Aria, Ashley Benson as Hanna, Shay Mitchell as Emily, Sasha Pieterse as Alison, Troian Bellisario as Spencer and Janel Parrish as Mona.
Pretty Little Liars – Original Sin, the dark and horror-tinged drama will soon bring back similar feelings of the suspense-filled atmosphere that the original show had delivered to their audience throughout seven consecutive seasons.
Written by Aguirre-Sacasa and Calhoon Bring, the reboot will also be executively produced by Aguirre via Muckle MAN Productions along with Calhoon who will co-executive produce it.
“We’re such huge fans of what I. Marlene King and her iconic cast created, we knew that we had to treat the original series as #canon and do something different,” said Aguirre and Calhoon, according to Deadline. They continued, “So we’re leaning into the suspense and horror in this reboot, which hopefully will honor what the fans loved about the hit series, while weaving in new, unexpected elements.”
Comprising of 16 books in the book series, Pretty Little Liars was on The New York Times Best Sellers list for more than 80 weeks! The series further launched two spinoffs – Pretty Little Liars: Ravenswood and Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists, that aired for one season only.
“Roberto and Lindsay are expanding the Pretty Little Liars universe with more murder, mysteries and scandal, and we can’t wait,” said Sarah Aubrey, head of original content at HBO Max, according to Deadline.