On Wednesday, YouTube announced their plans to launch an original weekly series, RELEASED. The 16-episode series is all set to premiere on Thursday, October 1st and will shine light on a collection of exceptional music artists and allow them to take the stage and showcase their journey behind the scenes while creating music. Furthermore, YouTube hopes to provide a promotional vehicle to various music artists to exhibit and promote their latest releases!
Popular K-pop girl band, Blackpink will make their appearance on the series pilot as well as kick-off the series with their highly anticipated studio album release on Thursday.
“We are honored and happy to be the first on YouTube’s new original content ‘RELEASED’. We hope that it will be a great opportunity to celebrate our first full album ‘The Album’ with many global music fans,” expressed the iconic “How You Like That” singers, stated in a report by Variety.
The debut episode will premiere on Blackpink’s official YouTube channel ahead of their studio album’s release.
Blackpink has gathered a huge fanbase and dominated the music industry with their hit songs including ‘How You Like That’, ‘Kill This Love’ and ‘Ice Cream’ which was an iconic product from their recent collaboration with artist Selena Gomez!
Watch ‘Ice Cream’ here!
‘RELEASED’ will stream on YouTube every Thursday and will reveal exclusive performances, announcements, highlights from the music-making journey from the prior week and even secrets from few of the world’s renowned artists!
Watch the trailer for ‘RELEASED’
Susanne Daniels, Global Head of Original Content on YouTube says, “RELEASED brings a dream team together for a topical weekly series that celebrates the inventive way music is consumed in YouTube while revitalizing a tried-and-true format with proven success.”, according to a report by Deadline.
Lyor Cohen, YouTube’s global head of music, according to Variety, adds, “With ‘RELEASED’, Thursday nights on YouTube are going to be mic-drop moments. We feel lucky to kick off this series with Blackpink, arguably the biggest artist in the world.”
RELEASED, hosted by Washington D. C. DJ, Little Bacon Bear is produced by Den of Thieves and executively produced by Van Toffler, Barry Barclay and Matt Elias for Gunpowder & Sky, according to Deadline. Head of Unscripted, Alex Piper along with Development Lead, Margaret Burris will overlook the series for YouTube Originals.