The iconic American singer-songwriter, created a buzz among her fans with her recent post on Twitter and Instagram. Mariah took to both platforms to share a photo of three director’s chairs, each labeled as “AG”, “MC” and “JH”. In her caption, Mariah also included the Christmas Tree emoji, that encouraged fans to get excited for what’s to come!
With hits like “We Belong Together” and “Always Be My Baby” Mariah also marked the holiday season with her flawless Christmas track, “All I Want For Christmas Is You” which absolutely dominated the industry by being the highest-selling holiday song of all time.
The singer’s recent post has fans quickly jumping to conclusions, wondering who could be the potential artists working with Mariah. The two particular artists who significantly stood out among the fans are Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson, both being incredible female artists with powerful vocals.
Plenty of excitement is currently living through fans all around the world from what could allegedly be an unforgettable collab if the fans’ speculations end up to be the real deal.
As of yet, details have not been confirmed by Mariah Carey herself however, fans will eagerly be waiting for the next announcement!