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Why This Messaging App From Saudi Arabia Is Going Viral

‘Honesty’ platform Sarahah is the internet’s latest obsession

Why This Messaging App From Saudi Arabia Is Going Viral

Ever wondered what your friends and co-workers really think of you? 

Well, an app developed in Saudi Arabia called Sarahah (roughly translating into Arabic as “honesty) can apparently tell you just that (anonymously), and as a result, the internet is now obsessed with it.

Sarahah’s official tag line is “Are you ready for honesty? Get constructive criticism from friends and colleagues, in total anonymity.“, and has already proved hugely popular in the Middle East region where it was initially launched this February. At the time of writing, (according to Internet stats firm Alexa) the app boasts over 1.5 million users in Saudi Arabia alone and over 2.5 million in Egypt.

Should you wish to avail of such an anonymous messaging service, simply download the Sarahah App from the Google Play store, set up a username and link it to your chosen social media accounts. In the interests of privacy, you can also choose not to appear in other Sarahah users’ search list.

Once you’re in – you can message another user by going to the app’s messaging box, type out your nice friendly message and hit send.

Though the social media reaction to Sarahah this week has been huge, opinion has been divided about the usefulness of the relatively young app, with almost as many negative reviews as positive reported in the app store.

The Sarahah website however, champions the platform solely as one for constructive criticism for ‘improving friendships’, yet naturally, the concern with anonymous messaging apps of this nature, is that there’s always the danger of people abusing them.

So, if you do fancy using it, try and be nice eh, folks?