Jennifer Aniston receives major backlash for her ‘our first pandemic’ Christmas tree ornament
In one of her recent Instagram stories, actor Jennifer Aniston had shared a picture of a Christmas tree ornament which had the words ‘our first pandemic’ written on it. A clear take on the pandemic year — the first time the entire world has had to spend the festive season at home, away from their loved ones and without the usual joy and merriment — Aniston’s post was criticised by many of her fans, with some even calling it ‘insensitive’.
While the FRIENDS star did not specify whether or not the bauble belonged to her, fans were quick to assume it was indeed hers. And then the actor was met with a mixed reaction, with opinions divided over whether or not it was insensitive of her to share such a picture on social media, especially when so many people around the world have died in the pandemic and lost their jobs.
However, while many people felt that the ornament was insensitive given the current climate the world finds itself in with coronavirus infections, many were quick to rush to the star’s defense. A handful noted that Aniston has been using her platform to advocate for both small businesses impacted by the pandemic as well as to encourage her followers to wear a mask to help curtail its spread.