The 22-year-old Los Angeles native, who recited her original work “The Hill We Climb” on Jan. 20 and instantly became the breakout star of the inauguration ceremony as the world looked on, now has a team of reps that includes Writers House, WME and the law firm Gang, Tyre, Ramer, Brown and Passman. As Gorman’s partner in the fashion and beauty industries.
It’s safe to say that all eyes are on Gorman to see what she does next. Meanwhile, she’s already got millions following those moves. Following Inauguration Day, her social media footprint skyrocketed and she went from 7,000 Twitter followers to 1.4 million. On Instagram, she racked up north of 3.2 million followers and counting. The fashion industry also took notice thanks to a look by Prada and accessories including a caged bird ring and earrings gifted to her by Winfrey. WWD dubbed Gorman “a new kind of style icon,” while Vogue reported that the red headband she wore is already sold out.
Former President Obama said Gorman’s poem “more than met the moment” in a message lauding her work on Twitter after the ceremony.
Barack Obama’s Tweet Reg Amanda
“Young people like her are proof that ‘there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it; if only we’re brave enough to be it,'” he wrote.
“I have never been prouder to see another young woman rise! Brava Brava, @amandascgorman! Maya Angelou is cheering-and so am I,” Oprah Winfrey posted on Instagram.
Less than a day after the inauguration, two of Gorman’s books, “The Hill We Climb” and “Change Sings: A Children’s Anthem,” surged to the top of Amazon’s bestselling list.
As of Monday evening, five days after the ceremony, the books still hold the two top spots on the list.
She also received a job offer from Morgan State University President David Wilson to come to the historically Black school’s campus as a poet in residence.
“We have all kinds of authors on campus, and we think that being at Morgan for a year would give her an even deeper and wider perspective on the issues she is addressing. If she would accept this offer, I would move on it in a heartbeat,” he said. “I will be watching my emails.”
In 2017, Gorman, who was 19 at the time, became the nation’s first national youth poet laureate.