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How Instagram Live Rooms Can Help Boost Your Engagement.

The Live Rooms feature will allow up to 4 people to participate on Instagram Live Videos compared to the previous limit of 2.

How Instagram Live Rooms Can Help Boost Your Engagement.

Instagram announced earlier this week the launch of its highly anticipated ‘Live Rooms’ feature –  which allows Instagram users to do Live Videos with up to four people. With this new addition, Instagram hopes that brands and creators alike will be able to produce more diverse and creative content that will allow them to engage more effectively with their followers. 

“We hope that doubling up on Live will open up more creative opportunities – Start a talk show, host a jam session or co-create with other artists, host more engaging Q&As or tutorials with your following, or just hang out with more of your friends.” – Instagram. 

The Live Rooms feature will also allow brands and content creators to attract a bigger audience: when an account goes Live on Instagram, all their followers get notified. With the new feature, 4 creators can now be in a Live Room – which means that the Live Broadcast will generate notifications that will be sent to a maximum of 4 different audience groups. 

Apart from wider audience reach – creators will also be able to monetize their Live videos.  In Fall 2020, Instagram trialled ‘Instagram Badges’ – which allows viewers to buy virtual badges during a live video. This will allow fans to stand out in the comment section and to gain access to exclusive creator content. According to Instagram, Live Video has increased substantially during the Covid-19 pandemic. With everyone from rappers to dance teachers affected by persistent lockdowns, Instagram Badges will give creators the much-needed opportunity to generate income.

Whether you’re a chef doing virtual cooking classes or a fitness instructor holding a zumba class, Instagram Live Rooms will help you get more creative with how you engage with your audience.