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Danielle Bregoli calls out Dr. Phil after revealing dark truths about the Turn-About Ranch

Bregoli – better known by her stage name Bhad Babie – is demanding an apology from the Dr. Phil show and seeks justice for her and other traumatized teens.

Danielle Bregoli calls out Dr. Phil after revealing dark truths about the Turn-About Ranch

Danielle Bregoli – a 17 year old American rapper and social media influencer who is better known by her stage name Bhad Babie – reveals the abuse she faced at Dr. Phil’s Turn-About Ranch, an alleged therapeutic boarding school for troubled teens, in a recently uploaded video to her YouTube channel.

Bregoli featured in the Dr. Phil Show alongside her mother in late 2016 and was sent to the Turn-About Ranch in Utah. In the 8 minute 40 second long video, Bregoli details the  inhumane treatment at the ranch and compares it to “kidnapping”, with the 17-year-old stating that ranch employees would come to collect teenagers in the “middle of the night” and handcuff them.

Upon arrival at the ranch, Bregoli was forced to stay in a teepee for 3 days without any sleep:

“You have to sit there for three days. They wouldn’t let me lay down for nothing. Like, I was falling asleep and they’re like, ‘Oh, get up, get up.’ So I’m just sitting here like, ‘This is gonna be really bad,’ when I see these people have no sympathy”.

She also revealed that teenagers who lived at the Turn-About Ranch did not have access to basic necessities:

“This place is all about taking away privileges. Like yeah, okay, the phone is a privilege, the TV, all that. But they take away necessity privileges: like sleeping on a bed, eating good food, not being cold”.

Additionally, Bregoli called out multiple instances where certain staff members punished teens for no evident reason: for example, Bergoli described a scenario in which staff restrained a teenager –  which is against the boarding school’s rules. She also shared an incident where a staff member was killed by a teenager – a situation that left many of the teenagers  “traumatized”.

Bregoli’s accusations come days after Hannah Archuleta – another former tenant at the Turn-About Ranch who featured on the Dr. Phil Show – filed a lawsuit against the Turn-About Ranch claiming that she was sexually assaulted by a Ranch staff member.

Bregoli extended her support to Hannah and shed awareness on various ways that the teens were mistreated at the Turn-About Ranch via Instagram:

Dr. Phil has been under serious criticism after recent allegations. Bregoli has specifically come after him – demanding an apology from the show for the abuse she and others have faced at the Ranch:

“Dr. Phil, I am going to give you from now until April 5 to issue an apology, not only to me, but to Hannah or any other child you sent to Turn-About or any other program like this, and if you don’t I’m going to handle things my way”.

The video has already gained 1+ million views on YouTube and Instagram – with viewers waiting for Dr. Phil to respond to the allegations.