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Olivia Culpo Announces her latest Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Feature

Culpo – who is a model, content creator, and business founder – will also feature as a keynote speaker at ITP Live’s 2021 Conference – ‘The Power of Female Influence’.

Olivia Culpo Announces her latest Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Feature

Olivia Culpo – an American fashion influencer and the winner of Miss Universe 2012 – has just announced that she will feature in another issue of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit magazine. 

Culpo shared her joy over the announcement and also described how Sports Illustrated Swimsuit magazine plays an important role in empowering women:

“Feeling so grateful to be back with @si_swimsuit this year!!! To work with a brand whose mission is to inspire ALL women to be the best version of themselves is such a blessing for me… I feel so lucky. Thank you @mj_day and the entire SI team for showing ALL women that you can be anything you want to be. I still remember walking into your office almost 5 years ago being scared out of my mind and dreaming of the opportunity to work with SI. When I reflect on those times I am reminded about the power of forging a path and fighting for your dreams. This goes beyond myself and to every person out there with a desire to pursue their own unique goals. I am forever grateful for the path I was able to pave for myself and feel indebted to the people who have helped me along the way. I hope that anyone reading this knows that their dreams can come true too and no matter how crazy they may seem, YOU can reach them and it will be freaking awesome”.

She also joined in on the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit #StrongLikeAWoman Challenge via Instagram:

MJ Day – the Editor of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit – shared why he thinks Culpo was the perfect choice to feature in the upcoming issue:

“Olivia Culpo is a modern day multi hyphenate. Model, designer, restaurateur, philanthropist, actor, and most recently, returning SI Swimsuit cover model. Her drive and hard work towards reaching her goals are noteworthy and the example she sets in pursuing and accomplishing her dreams is something worth sharing and celebrating. It’s easy to point to her beauty, but it’s just as important to recognize the many other spaces that Olivia exists in and pursues”.

Culpo previously made her debut on Sports Illustrated Swimsuit in 2018 and also featured in it in 2020, which makes this Culpo’s third time modelling for the magazine.

Culpo – however – is more than just a model. She is also a content creator and a business founder: most notably, Culpo will feature as a keynote speaker for the ITP Live 2021 Conference – ‘The Power of Female Influence’.

To hear Culpo speak about her journey from Content Creator to CEO, RSVP for in-person or online attendance to our ITP Live 2021 Conference here.