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Snapchat Trends and SEO Keywords for Ramadan, Holi, Easter, and Passover.

Find out what holiday words are trending in April 2021!

Snapchat Trends and SEO Keywords for Ramadan, Holi, Easter, and Passover.

With April swinging into full gear, the coming weeks will include multiple holidays and celebrations – including Ramadan, Easter, and Holi. Although the Covid-19 pandemic has brought many in-person celebrations to a halt, Snapchat users are taking a creative approach to how they will celebrate from home.

According to Snapchat, 60% of users have had to change their normal holiday plans due to Covid-19: however, many users are not letting that curb their enthusiasm: Snacphat found that 59% of French users, 67% of Indian Users, and 49% of British and American users want to maintain their holiday traditions as a top priority. Moreover, Snapchat revealed that users intended to spend money primarily on on speciality food and drinks, new outfits, and gifts for friends and family

Snapchat also published statistics on how Snapchatters will celebrate holidays this April 2021:

75% of global users planned to celebrate alone or with others. Of those seeking to celebrate with others, 57% will celebrate with their immediate family while 54% will visit or host family and friends. Of those staying home, 40% will cook a special meal while 26% will decorate their homes.

These statistics provide invaluable information for brands seeking to target consumers in the holiday market. Moreover, Snapchat has identified which key holiday words and phrases are trending for each respective holiday in April 2021.

For Passover, users should use: Virtual, Zoom, and Celebrate
For Ramadan, users should use: Iftar, Fasting, and Donate
For Holi, users should use: Celebrate, Spirit, and Colors
For Easter, users should use: Dinner, Bunny, and Egg

If you want to optimize your SEO keyword strategy on Snapchat, then definitely don’t sleep on these key words!