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Twitch Finally Updates Off-Platform Hate and Harassment Policies

Many users and streamers have called out the platform for ignoring their abuse and harassment reports.

Twitch Finally Updates Off-Platform Hate and Harassment Policies

Amazon-owned streaming platform Twitch has announced an extension to their Hateful Conduct and Harassment Policy – which will now hold users accountable for their inconsiderate actions off the platform.

Twitch introduced the new measure after seeing a sharp rise in cases of misconduct, abuse and negativity on and off the platform  – which has caused a series of backlash against Twitch – in 2020. One incident involves Twitch Streamer LilyPichu – who called out Twitch for not helping her with a stalker who continuously sent her harassing messages on Twitch and to her personal email. Samantha Wong – another Twitch streamer – also revealed that the platform didn’t take any action against a harasser – who she reported repeatedly.

The harassment – however – is not solely directed at streamers. Viewers have also reported streamers such as Sam Earney, Dreadedcone, Warwitch, and 21wolv for abuse – which were initially ignored by Twitch.

After facing huge public fallout, Twitch is finally taking action against user misconduct:

“Taking action against misconduct that occurs entirely off our service is a novel approach for both Twitch and the industry at large, but it’s one we believe—and hear from you—is crucial to get right. Part of that means being clear with you about the limitations of our policy. At this time, we’re not able to investigate behaviors that occur entirely off Twitch that fall outside these categories. This is an iterative, ongoing process, and as always, our end goal is to build a safer Twitch for everyone”.

To helps protect its users, Twitch has outlined two circumstances in which users can seek help for both on and off-platform misconduct:

  • Harassment on and off the platform: Twitch will assess evidence of off platform misconduct and compare it to on-platform reports in order to decide how to proceed with disciplinary action.
  • Committing serious offenses off-platform: this includes violent extremism, terrorism and terrorist recruitment, mass violence threats, leaders and members of known hate groups, assault, child abuse, activities that threaten the safety of Twitch users, and threats against Twitch or Twitch employees

Although Twitch has built a platform for gamers to thrive and to build a career, user safety and security still remains uncertain. This new policy should help users start to feel more secure on the platform and to feel assured that effective action will be taken in order to protect them and the community at large – both off and online.