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YouTube Introduces New Copyright Violation Tools

Check out how creators can protect their YouTube content.

YouTube Introduces New Copyright Violation Tools

YouTube has announced new features on their platform to better combat copyrighted content. The tools introduced, ‘web form’ and ‘Corporate Match’, aim to help creators ensure their videos aren’t circulated on YouTube without their consent.

First, the web form tool helps creators to checkbox the option “Prevent copies of these videos from appearing on YouTube going forward” to avoid their video content being used by other users. The tool will also be warning creators if they’ve used copyrighted content in the video during the upload process.

You can follow these steps to activate the web form feature:

  1. Open the YouTube Studio
  2. Tap on “New Removal Request”
  3. Scroll down to find “Removal Options” and check the box to enable the feature

To remove the feature for a particular video, follow these steps:

  1. Open the YouTube Studio
  2. Tap on “Copyright”
  3. Click on “Removal Requests”
  4. Tap on the video you wish to uncheck the feature
  5. Tap on the “Prevent copies” checkbox option

Moreover, YouTube has expanded the Copyright Match tool to users across the globe. The Copyright Match tool was initially only available to creators from the YouTube Partner Program. The feature provides creators with the opportunity to gain access to the video matching technology.