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Facebook rolls out ‘Group Expert’ feature

Group Experts can host Q&A and live audio room sessions.

Facebook rolls out ‘Group Expert’ feature

Facebook has released its latest feature ‘Group Experts’ that will help Facebook group admins to assign expert badges to knowledgeable group members. Facebook is also testing new features with some fitness and gaming groups, where group admins can invite experts to join their group and host Q&A sessions around specific topics.

Facebook revealed that the expert badge given to members will feature their name engraved in the badge and be displayed alongside their name in posts, comments and the Q&A section:

“We’ve launched a new way for admins to recognize knowledgeable members in their group by designating them as group experts. Admins now have the ability to select specific members in their communities who stand out, empowering them to play a more meaningful role. After accepting this role, group experts will receive a badge next to their names in the group, making it easier for group members to spot informative posts and comments from designated experts.”

In addition to this, Facebook has revealed a new feature called automatic invites where group experts can invite recent page followers to join the groups created by them. This would further help group experts build their audience and host more Q&A and live audio room discussions.

Although the new feature can help groups better fact-check and curb misinformation, certain Facebook groups created in the past focus on spreading incorrect medical and political information. Group Experts could further lead to a rise in disinformation and misinformation among group communities to promote the admin’s harmful motives.

Do you think Facebook’s Group Experts feature is a hit or a miss? Let us know in the comments section below!