All time favourite Indian actress is set to launch her brand in 2022. Deepika Padukone is not just a talented actress, but she also bears a following of over 59 Million on Instagram. It goes without saying that any public move of hers goes viral in a jiffy.
The first category of the launch will focus on beauty and skin care, reads the official press release as of 7th September, 2021. This category specifically, while rooted in India, will be backed by science. With over 30 feature films to her credit, the actor made her English language film debut as the female lead in XXX: The Return of Xander Cage, co-starring with Vin Diesel.
“India, I believe, has always been positioned uniquely … we are a country that is rich in values, culture and heritage; something we are extremely proud of. Therefore, our endeavour is to build a brand that is rooted in India yet global in its reach and appeal,” said Padukone.
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