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Influencers Are Raising Awareness For Toddler Iron Deficiency

They’re teaming up with Danone and hosting a competition to fight the epidemic

Influencers Are Raising Awareness For Toddler Iron Deficiency

Did you know almost 1/5 toddlers suffer from iron deficiency in Jordan? 

Neither did we, but a few passionate content creators are fighting back by hosting a giveaway in partnership with Danone’s Bebelac Junior.

Regional influencers Nadia Alzou’bi (@nadiaalzoubi), Mais Nobani (@maisnobaniofficial), Rawan Al Ali @rawanalaliofficial and Dr. Ruba Musharbash @rubamusharbash are encouraging their followers to complete Danone’s Bebelac Junior iron deficiency test for a chance to win their own supply of the formula.

If a mother is interested in entering the competition, all she has to do is go and complete the test. Once she has obtained the results, she can post a comment to any of the four influencers’ Instagram post and tag #صحة_طفلك_حديد for a chance to be one of ten winners of a three month supply of Bebelac Junior.

View this post on Instagram

اليوم عملت اختبار الحديد من بيبيلاك جونيور لماسه بنتي الله يحميها، واكتشفت انها بتحصل على ٦ ملغ من الحديد يوميا ، بينما الكمية الموصى بها من الحديد هي ٨ملغ ، وبتعرفوا انه ٢٠٪ من الأطفال في الأردن بعانوا من نقص الحديد؟ احنا بحاجة انه نغير هالشي مع بعض، كيف؟؟؟ زوري واعملي اختبار الحديد لابنك او لبنتك وشاركينا النتيجة بتعليق على هذا البوست مع هاشتاغ #صحة_طفلك_حديد لحتى #تفوزي بكمية من حليب بيبيلاك جونيور بتكفي لمدة ثلاثة أشهر يحتوي كوبين من بيبيلاك جونيور على ثلثي كمية الحديد اليومية التي يحتاجها طفلك. تطبق الشروط والأحكام

A post shared by روان العلي (@rawanalaliofficial) on Apr 30, 2019 at 6:19am PDT

For those mums who are picky about what they give their children, it’s important to know two cups (or 500ml) of Bebelac Junior is equivalent to 2/3 of their toddler’s daily iron intake.

The formula also contains 70% of their daily Vitamin D recommended intake, 86% of their daily calcium recommended intake and 100% of the daily recommended Vitamin C recommended intake.

Well done Nadia, Rawan, Mais and Dr. Ruba for spreading awareness and helping mums throughout the region fight iron deficiency, with the help of Danone.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.