For everyone who celebrates Father’s Day, we hope you had fun spending time with loved ones.
Here’s how a few regional influencers celebrated “Dad’s Day” their own way…
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You gave me wings, my father, and here I’m using them all the time : I LOVE YOU ! . . بالصورة شايلني وللحين شايلني… معنويا واذا احتجت ادري انك ما تقصر ماديا … يعني ابوي صراحة اذا ابي ابدي اتكلم عنه ماراح اخلص، محد مثله، مثل حنانه وحبه الغير مشروط: وايد محظوظ فيك وبحكمتك: علمتني حب الناس ومساعدتهم، علمتني اللغة والجغرافيا والرسم، كل شي كنت ابيه في فايدة لي كنت ترضى اشتريه، ألعاب مجلات … السياقة مبجر قبل الليسن بسنوات، ما مارست علي سلطة الأب وسيطرته.. خليتني صديق وتقبلت الاختلافات اللي بين عشان جذي انا فخور فيك، أصعب شي على الأب الشرقي ان يخلي علاقته مع أولاده صداقة، من غير سيطرة وتسلط ! . . In short I have one of the best fathers in the world, because he loves me unconditionally, which is rare by parents these days. You taught me to enjoy life, to love people, to drive ( which is an essential skill in such dangerous streets), English, geography … you have instilled the curiosity to know the world and as you can see, I’m highly influenced by you… I’m doing all this for you.. to honor all what you’ve taught me. You gave me wings and here I’m using them . . #fatherday2019 #fatherday
A post shared by discover the city طلال الراشد (@talal.alrashed) on Jun 16, 2019 at 10:36am PDT
To all the fathers, father-figures, grandfathers and men who have stepped into a “Dad’s role” (whether they realize it or not) we hope you had a wonderful Father’s Day.
What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.