Live Unite is ITP Live’s micro-influencer platform. Each week, one micro-influencer will share their story in our “Live Unite Spotlight” series. YAS Vocals (@yasvocals) shares her story about how she uses the power of social media to share her goals and achievements with her audience.
I was raised to believe that if I have a goal – big or small, and work hard enough – I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
However having big dreams and goals comes with sacrifices and compromises. I do feel that my life is very different compared to most of my classmates. Trying to juggle my dance training, recording music, content creation and now opening up my own business, I don’t have the time to do “normal” things that people in my age usually do.
I started dancing at the age of three in Australia, training in all styles including Tap, Ballet, and Jazz, before training in commercial styles of dance including HipHop, Jazz Funk and Heels. Eventually, I went to Los Angeles to train in the world’s best dance studio, Millennium Dance Complex.
When I was 15, I realized that I have a passion for singing and music. An LA talent agency came to Dubai and I decided to audition. The agency accepted me, however at that point I didn’t have money to pursue the opportunity in LA.
Since they were so encouraging, I made it my goal that when I turn 16, I will visit LA to start training and work on achieving my dreams. I found myself a vocal coach in LA who has been coaching and supporting me for a couple of years now.
As I had been focusing on gance and singing, I decided to use Instagram as my platform to showcase my goals and achievements.
Thankfully it seems that quite a few people had been enjoying my content and following my journey. But my ambitions did not stop there, and recently I have decided to open my own music and dance studio in Dubai.
I felt that Dubai was missing the commercial style of music and dance and I decided to share my knowledge and passion with others. I hope to create a community and give those who aren’t able to travel to the states, the LA experience here in Dubai.
Juggling all of this brings a lot of challenges and as I mentioned previously, sacrifice. I frequently get asked if I feel like I am missing out on my teenage years by having to be so responsible and mature at my age, however, I tell them that when you enjoy doing something this much, you don’t think of the things you are missing out on.
Apart from the fact that I truly enjoy what I do, I’m also learning important life skills. It’s a learning experience and I am acquiring business skills, people skills and time management skills.
With that I am hoping that I will become more and more efficient with my time so then I can add more to my schedule as my future plans include starting a YouTube channel, vlogging, getting a degree in performing arts and also starting a business in the line of makeup and fashion as that is also something that I am passionate about.
Written by Yas Vocals.