We’re wondering how content creators and vloggers will handle this news…
If you are a YouTube creator with more than 1000 subscribers, you might soon notice a change in the way your numbers are displayed on both your mobile app and on your desktop.
YouTube will soon round up how many subscribers you have on your channel. This means if you have, say, 1539 subscribers on your channel the platform will display your subscriber count as a round number.
See the detailed explanation in the table below.
(Photo credits: Social Media Today)
According to Social Media Today YouTube said it’s mean “. . . to create more consistency everywhere that we publicly display subscriber counts, we’ll begin showing the abbreviated subscriber number across all public YouTube surfaces.”
Unless your sole motivation is the number of subscribers you have, this seems like the practical thing to do for the sake of uniformity on the platform.
But how important is uniformity when subscriber count is so incredibly important to a budding content creator?
Where YouTubers are concerned, brands won’t be able to assess their genuine level popularity on the platform. Especially for those who have racked up millions of followers, their hard earned subscribers won’t be displayed in full. That’s a bummer!
Long story short, vloggers could miss out on collaboration deals because it may appear they didn’t “make the cut,” although in reality their subscriber could be larger than the number displayed on their channel.
Creators will still be able to monitor the growth of their channel because their actual number of subscribers will be visible to them. Perhaps they can come up with a creative way of sharing their true subcriber counts.
On another note, it turns out YouTube is doing this for the greater good of their community. They’re hoping creators will stress less about the numbers and focus their energy on creativity.
Only time will tell whether this new update will truly reduce stress on creators and put the spotlight on creativity.
What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.
Photo credit: Shutterstock.