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Subway and Social Media Giant Bin Baz Serve Up A Special Iftar

Special pop-up restaurant catered to six strangers this week

Subway and Social Media Giant Bin Baz Serve Up A Special Iftar

In the true communal spirit of the Holy Month, this week fast food behemoth Subway teamed up Emirati comedian and social media sensation Bin Baz to bring together six total strangers for a special event to break their fast. 

With the aim of finding six people from varying walks of life, some technical mastery and the bodiless voice of Bin Baz invited random passers-by in Dubai to sit down and break bread (or a Subway roll)  at the pop-up restaurant, and share in what was dubbed ‘The People’s Platter’.

Check out how it went down below. 

Hats off to you Subway. Ramadan Kareem.

Video of رمضان… وناسته بناسه