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TikTok Is Becoming an Educational Platform in India

And it is getting a much better response than you would think

TikTok Is Becoming an Educational Platform in India

Forget viral TikTok hits of teenagers dancing to Mariah Carey’s “Why’re you so obsessed with me” dance or #Privateschoolchecks. 

In India, they have taken TikTok one step forward by taking an initiative to make the platform educational known as the #EduTok Mentorship programme.

TikTok users in India are now learning English, practicing mathematical problems and even receiving mental health advice on the app.

“The aim of the partnership is to give over 200 million TikTok users an opportunity to learn and grow as individuals by partnering with industry leaders to create educational content in various formats and languages,” TikTok said in a press release.

Currently, there are over 10 million videos on TikTok using the hashtag #EduTok with over 48 billion views and 1.8 billion shares in total since the launch of the programme.

The company partnered with a number of educational companies as part of the e-learning scheme in September. The companies included are Vedantu, Vidya Guru, Hello English, CETKingToppr, Made Easy, and GradeUp.

TikTok also partnered with media platform Josh Talks and The/Nudge Non-profit Foundation to organize educational workshops and create new content for the #EduTok programme. The workshops will be taking place from Oct 2019 to March 2020. 

“Digital evolution and the boom in smartphone adoption is redefining the learning patterns of the digital community at large,” said Sachin Sharma, director of Sales and Partnerships at TikTok India.

“With these partnerships, we are building an education ecosystem that gives learners the opportunities to thrive in their respective careers and subjects and help solve their challenges with ease.”

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