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Mia Fizz Is Self-Publishing A New Book

And it’s already a bestseller on Amazon UK

Mia Fizz Is Self-Publishing A New Book

Big things are in store for one member of the Fizz Family.

15-year-old Mia Fizz (@miaslifeofficial) has self-published her first book, Awkward to Awesome.

The book will be released on Dec 8, but it’s already become a bestseller as her fans have started pre-ordering the book on Amazon UK.

Awkward to Awesome is a memoir style real-life story based on vegan recipes, hairstyle tutorials and so much more. The book aims to inspire young people and provide a bit of comic relief at the same time.

Topics within the book will also address real-life problems many teens face growing up.

Awkward To Awesome was already a best-seller on Amazon UK, just from so many of my amazing fans pre-ordering their copies,” said Mia, who has over 870,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel.

Interested in picking up a copy? You can now pre-order Awkward To Awesome from major online retailers (such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble) or head over to

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.

Photo credit: Instagram.