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Are you having skin issues caused by Coronavirus Lockdown? Here’s what to do…

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all areas of life and your skin is definitely one of them…

Are you having skin issues caused by Coronavirus Lockdown? Here's what to do...

Chances are your life has been upended at the moment as Coronavirus lockdowns have been enforced worldwide.

As a result, you’re probably eating different foods and working from home.

Or you may not be exercising as much. Or maybe you’re exercising more?  You may not be sleeping well, or at odd times. And you’re likely pretty stressed out right now.

Coronavirus might be causing you tons of stress, something that your skin is very susceptible to. Your skin is usually the first part of your body that freaks out once stress surges. Dermatologist Heather D. Rogers told the Huffington Post that skin is a reflection of your overall health. Targeting a zit or some blemishes misses the whole picture; you should be focusing on your health.

You need to take care of your whole self. 

Here’s how…

Get Enough Sleep


Move Your Body


Wash your face


Moisturize your face


Avoid super salty food


All simple steps which must be taken to ensure that your skin gets plenty of TLC even during lockdown.