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‘Ramadan Health’ is trending on TikTok

Content creators share Ramadan health tips via TikTok videos

'Ramadan Health' is trending on TikTok

As Muslims around the world celebrate the second week of Ramadan, content creators on TikTok have been busy sharing #RamadanHealth tips via the video sharing platform.

As of May 6th, #RamadanHealth has racked up over 2 million views worldwide and content creators from around the world have chipped in to share their insights and tips. 

Here are some of the highlighted videos!


٣ حاجات هتخليك تخس فى رمضان ##ramadan ##رمضان

original sound – dr_nourhankandil


##ramadan ##ramadanhealthtips ##healthtips ##fitnessduringramadan ##fitness ##foryou ##muslimah ##islam ##sunnah ##sportshijab ##modestfashion ##sports ##workout

original sound – bodymindfitmuslimah


##افتح_عينك ##التفنن_من_المنزل ##اكلسبور ##خلينا_قاعدين_في_البيت ##رمضان_كريم ##صحتك_في_رمضان ##حرفيات #

الصوت الأصلي – user8pxq1has07


##allah ##islam ##womeninsports ##fitness ##ramadan ##sports ##healthylife ##healthyramadan##healthy_tips ##hijabsportswear ##sports ##ramadanrecipes

original sound – bodymindfitmuslimah


٦٠ ثانية تحدي رياضي في رمضان##60seconds ##60secondchallenge ##plankchallenge ##workout ##home ##challenge ##30daychallenge ##stayfit ##خليك_خفيف

Sports Music – TimTaj

For those who are interested in maintaining or even improving their health and fitness during Ramadan, here are some tips to help you achieve your goals. 

Hydrate before eating

Drink plenty of fluids such as water, freshly squeezed juice, or milk.

Break your fast with dates

Traditionally, dates are eaten at the start of your iftar meal. Because they are a nutritious burst of natural sugar they fuel your body with much needed energy.

Eat your greens

Vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber and provide so many nutrients in so little calories.

Take it easy

Don’t be in a hurry to finish your food. After being deprived of eating for an entire day, overloading on food may lead to indigestion and other gastric problems.

Avoid foods high in fat, salt and sugar

Whenever possible, stay away from heavy meals for iftar that have too much unhealthy fats, salt and added sugar.

How are you staying healthy this Ramadan?

Let us know in the comments below!