The first episodes of the “My Story” docuseries that chronicles stages of the life of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has already received rave reviews and garnered massive viewership.
The series is based on the autobiography entitled “My Story: 50 memories from fifty years of service” which was released last year and chronicles the events, challenges and memories which has shaped the life of Dubai’s ruler.
‘My Story’ docuseries airs on Dubai TV at 9pm every Sunday and reairs throughout the week on Sama Dubai, Dubai One and AWAAN livestreaming platform.
The docuseries, produced by the Executive Office in Dubai, follows anamorphic format to document historic events.
The first episode of the series first aired on Sunday 31st May, with the episode entitled ‘My First Horse.’
In the seven minute episode, Sheikh Mohammed’s love for horses is accurately depicted and viewers were able to get an intimate look into his life-long passion.
The audience can then hear a poem recitation by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. “The love of horses runs through my veins. The Most Merciful, who created them, swore by them in His Book. I have given my life to them, the elapsed and the days to come.”
Will you tune in tonight?
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