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Professional Social Media platform LinkedIn announced the release of new features that will enhance user experience and allow for better, more dynamic ways to communicate with followers and connections on the platform.

LinkedIn rolled out post-scheduling capabilities back in November 2022, but only for individual users.
With the new update, LinkedIn Page administrators can schedule Page posts up to three months in advance. This will cut out the role that third-party social media management apps have been playing for years in allowing marketers to schedule long-term posts. The updated native scheduling tool will function much better as its more directly aligned with the platform’s systems, which in turn will make it easier to implement basic functions such as tagging other users or previewing the post.
LinkedIn Audio Events

Audio-based platforms and features such as Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces have seen exponential growth in recent years. LinkedIn entered this new space with the introduction of audio events. The public audio room feature launched as a limited beta test product but is now a full-fledged feature.
When a room is launched, any participant can join and raise their hand for an opportunity to engage. Users can host public events or private events within organizations. However, users must qualify to be able to use this new feature have more than 150 followers and/or connections, and have a history of abiding by LinkedIn’s community policies.
If you want to try setting up your own Audio Event, just create an event and choose LinkedIn Audio Event under the Event format dropdown menu. If the option is available, you’ve met the criteria.

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