Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh recently posted a throwback video on his Instagram feed from Ferrari World in Yas Island. Speculation has suggested he may be returning to visit Abu Dhabi again.
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Ferrari World, Yas Island
Ferrari World is a well-known indoor theme park located on Yas Island in Abu Dhabi. The theme park is the first branded theme park in the world and largest indoor park in by area. After its launch in 2010, Ferrari World has been the home to many exciting rides and attractions, all based on the Ferrari branding.
Popular Rides
Some of the main rides include Formula Rossa, which is the world’s fastest roller coaster that takes riders through a series of loops and twists. It is also the ride that Ranveer has used as a cover picture on his Instagram Reel below.
Other rides include G-Force, a high-speed indoor roller coaster, The Flying Aces which goes up to 63 metres (207 ft) high, Turbo Track which is a family-friendly ride and The Scuderia Challenge which is a race simulator. The theme park is a haven for those who love fast cars and thrilling rides.
Is Ranveer Returning?
Ranveer wrote in his caption “Can’t wait to go back!” which seems as though he misses the UAE and will potentially plan a trip back. He may also bring his wife Deepika to experience a brilliant adventure in Abu Dhabi and take a trip to the other Emirates if their schedule allows.
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