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Lea Makhoul, Sandra Sahi new song ‘VLG’ out now

Looking for a new song to add to your new music playlist? We have just the one for you!

Lea Makoul ft Sandra Sahi in new song out now

If you’re looking new new songs to listen to this week then add VLG by Lea Makhoul and Sandra Sahi to your list.

Music Video Direction

The song VLG was released on Friday and was the perfect way to introduce the weekend to celebrate women’s equality and empower women. Two strong female leads in one video was everything we wanted to see, and more. The new song was performed in French dialect and directed by Content Director Rouhana El Hage at ITP Media Group.

Rouhana said his idea for the black-and-white theme “focuses on the strong personality of the artists. We don’t get distracted by colour and we focus on their vocals and attitude. Rouhana explained that both singers were involved in the concept of the video from pre-production to post-production “making sure they are involved as content creators, not just as artists.”

VLG Challenge

For their new song VLG, both Lea Makhoul and Sandra Sahi also created a dance challenge for their followers to get involved in. Dance challenges have been seen to do very well on social media platforms like TikTok.

Watch Now

Watch the full music video here: Lea Makhoul – VLG ft. Sandra Sahi

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