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Watch: Mo Vlogs’ house gets robbed

Find out what happened here with Mo Vlogs’ house as the investigation continues

Watch: Mo Vlogs' house gets robbed

YouTuber and social media personality Mo Vlogs had some unfortunate events happen to him recently as his house in London was robbed.

Details of the robbery

Mo Vlogs quickly flew to London after getting a call from the police who told him his house had been turned into a drug farm. Mo flew with his mum and sister to find out what was going on and video-recorded everything.

Instead of getting the keys and opening the doors, the UK police had barred the front door with locks so no one could get inside. After Mo Vlogs’s sister Lana tried to kick the door down, they were still unable to get through. Passersby even stopped the influencer with over 11 million followers to tell him there were helicopters and police all in the area surrounding the house because of the break-in.

The drugs inside the house which were removed by the police made up to around £300,000 in total. Once they got into the house, both Mo Vlogs mum and his sister were shocked – Lana said “I have never seen anything like this before, it’s like a movie.” Mo then invited his friend to come to the property as the family felt unsafe to continue to look inside the house without protection.

Watch here

Watch the full video here of what happened, and stay tuned for a part 2 video which may be coming soon as a full investigation by the UK police is carried out.

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