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Which HD Skin product does Raghad Fahmi use in her makeup routine?

What secrets are Raghad’s 3.4 million followers finding out?

Raghad Fahmi

As a dental student by day and lifestyle, fashion, and beauty influencer “by night,” Raghad Fahmi‘s followers love to see which place she is going to next, or which look she is going to create. Her outstanding beauty has won the hearts of 3.4 million Instagram users, and Raghad has been able to use her platform to share products and services that she believes in and is passionate about.

Raghad recently uploaded an Instagram Reel for her followers to see which palette she uses as part of her makeup routine. If you have seen Raghad’s profile, you would understand from her illuminating beauty why her followers are inspired by her skincare routines or makeup routines. In the video, she shows a Make Up Forever HD Skin palette and talks us through how she uses the product, in a step-by-step tutorial.

The all-in-one palette is used to enhance your natural beauty and has 12 complementary shades. Raghad shows how simple it is to apply and how it really is “all-in-one.” For makeup on the go, this is the perfect pocket makeup product to carry with you.

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