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Mony Helal becomes a jewellery designer for the day

Expensive Tastes: Season 4, Episode 10

Mony Helal becomes a jewellery designer for the day

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In this episode of Expensive Tastes, Mony Helal attempts to become a jewellery designer for the day with the help of the Dubai Design Academy – a leading provider for online design workshops and professional training. Mony learns everything from creating jewellery designs to taking proper measurements. 

Find out if Mony has what it takes to master the craft. 

GIVEAWAY: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for a chance to win 2 free jewellery design workshops at the Dubai Design Academy.

Lastly – follow Expensive Tastes Season 4 hosts Omar Borkan and Mony Helal and the Dubai Design Academy on Instagram!

Omar Borkan:

Mony Helall:

Dubai Design Academy: