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#OntheCouch with Rosemin: Relationship Goals with Omar Borkan and Yasmin

The ITP Live influencer and presenter chats with Dubai’s Most Beautiful Couple

#OntheCouch with Rosemin: Relationship Goals with Omar Borkan and Yasmin

Rosemin Manji (@roseminsworld) spends some time chatting with Expensive Tastes’ Omar Borkan (@omarborkan) and his wife, Yasmin (@yasmin.jaz) for Indigo Living’s new YouTube channel.

Be sure to tune in every Thursday for a new episode with Rosemin, as she brings you weekly in inspiration and great conversation with special guest appearances straight from the Indigo couch.

Follow ITP Live on Instagram (@itplive) and be sure to subscribe to ITP Live’s YouTube channel, so you don’t miss out on ANY influencer and digital creator-related news. And be sure to check out Majaz (@majaz_show)