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Vine Makes a Comeback with Byte as its Successor

Get ready for Vine 2.0

Vine Makes a Comeback with Byte as its Successor

The co-founder of Vine Dom Hofmann, two years after he had announced that he was a building a successor to Vine has finally released the new application Byte. Byte is now available on iOS and Android, it lets its users shoot or upload six second videos. This time limit is a necessity for content that has no filler and it denser than the maximum 1-minute clips on TikTok, according to TechCrunch.

Byte is strapped with standard social features such as a feed, explore page, notifications and profiles. However, Byte lacks features, transition effects and other features found in TikTok. Hoffmann hopes that the early focus on helping content creators to bring in an income will differentiate Byte from its competitors as TikTok and a few other apps don’t offer income to its creators.

When asked if Byte would offer ad revenue sharing, tipping, or other options to partners, Hofmann told TechCrunch, “We’re looking at all of those, but we’ll be starting with a revenue share + supplementing with our own funds. We’ll have more details about exactly how the pilot program will work soon.”

Content creators who have become popular on social media apps like TikTok and Snapchat are lacking one thing, which happens to be direct monetization. So now these content creators are trying to move their audiences over to YouTube so they can earn a steady ad-share. As Byte gets ready to pay early, it could be able to lure some of the content creators over to its app and keep them there in the long-run. Former Vine stars that turned into TikTok stars have already gone on Byte, these stars are Chris Melberger, Joshdarnit and Lance Stewart.

“It’s always a bummer when the people behind online services and the people that actually use them are disconnected from one another, so we’re trying out these forums to see if we can do a better job at that” Hofmann write on Byte’s Community Forum.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock.