Just in case you hadn’t noticed (and apparently, a lot of people hadn’t) WhatsApp has recently launched a new update, allowing its users to post a status update that will be visible to select viewers before disappearing after 24 hours. So what exactly can you post? Pretty much a whole spectrum – from gifs, to weird stickers, emojis and, of course, photos. If that sounds vaguely familiar, that’s because it is. The app normally used for connecting with friends and family free of cost has now revamped itself in an effort to look more like Snapchat or even Instagram Stories.
This update shakes up the core functionality of the app with its developers hoping for its users to view it for sharing and consuming content passively, similar to scrolling down their Facebook timelines or Instagram feeds.
With apps such as WhatsApp that have been around for what seems like forever, many of its users may be a little vary of what to expect, as the app primarily serves as a method of no-frills communication, as all the app requires is a functioning internet connection.
Seemingly, the feature serves a further example of how the messenger services parent company, Facebook is hoping to expand on the potential for WhatsApp in terms of advertising capabilities.Â