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Teens are creating fake Karen accounts on Instagram

These are satirical gold!

Teens are creating fake Karen accounts on Instagram

In today’s episode of the war on Karens, teens are taking to Instagram to create profiles mimicking the antics of our favourite white, upper-middle-class, wine drinking soccer mums.

Originating on Tiktok, a vast collection of these accounts have popped up across the internet.

Each boasts classic minion memes, pictures of their children, and bios reading “Blessed with two beautiful children, #TRUMP2020, God first, Jesus loves you, Anti-VaX. LIVE! LOVE! LAUGH!”

If it wasn’t for the obvious photoshop on some posts, it would be scarily difficult to figure out if the accounts are legit or not. In a wholesome turn of events however, these high-school masterminds are now claiming that the ‘Karen cult’ has given them a new community.

Three clear winners have emerged from the countless pool of talent we have before us. That would be @barbarashappyfamily, run by 14-year-old Ewelina from the UK, @carolynnjanet, a.k.a. 17-year-old Aitana from the US, and @sharon_.davis, 15-year-old Alice from Poland.

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Thought I looked good so decided to post LOL.

A post shared by Sharon✞︎ (@sharon_.davis) on Jun 27, 2020 at 1:14pm PDT

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So proud to be your momma!

A post shared by Barbara Smith (@barbarashappyfamily) on Jun 24, 2020 at 4:01am PDT

Each account is a treasure-trove of satirical cringe. Complete with captions straight from the source, and a curated archive of stock photos and primary school photoshop, they boast a cultural significance that we haven’t seen since Vine.

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