All too soon, Chats in Facebook Groups have got to go – and it’s happening in a matter of days!
Facebook has announced it will disable this feature on Aug 22. In short, you’ll still be able to view your previous messages but you can’t continue or start a new chat.
As heartbreaking as this sounds, if you are a die-hard fan, don’t lose heart just yet…
Photo credits: Social Media Today
According to Social Media Today Facebook mentioned “. . . they are exploring new ways to support real-time communication for Groups, but don’t have any details to share about those future plans just yet.”
Although a clear explanation hasn’t surfaced, Facebook’s comments indicated that this is due to the system’s capacity.
As part of their update on this news, the website highlighted “…the current product infrastructure doesn’t support Chats in Groups directly in the Facebook app, which can no longer support this feature.”
However, Social Media Today suggested spam may be the root cause of this decision.
So why has spam been singled out as the main reason for the removal of the feature? Perhaps this has simplified the activities of spammers.
Let’s not forget Facebook fans (this includes anyone who may be a total stranger to another user) can send direct messages to individuals they are not Facebook Friends with on the platform.
Group chat fans may disagree, but unwanted contact with users may come off as an invasion of privacy. Whatever the reason, whether you have a soft spot for this feature or not, it’s time to say goodbye.
What are your thoughts? Are you a fan of the Facebook Group Chat feature? Let us know in the comments below.