As the pandemic takes a toll on many, Lily Singh and Jay Shetty collaborated on her IGTV @lily to unravel the secrets of being happy like a monk. “Monks have the happiest brains on the planet,” said Jay as he continues to breakdown the different principles people should follow to achieve happiness.
According to him, the first important principle to seek is the root of the issue, as many are caught up in today’s worries; they brush off any discomfort rather than tackling it head-on. He continues how the second principle, “finding the spark,” is significant in any given situation. Being appreciative, despite it not being in the direction you expect it to be, is a good way to deal with life’s circumstances to which Lily chimes in, ” I try.”
Jay also emphasizes that we should learn to take our time for ourselves, to which Lily questions if meditation is a way to deal with this. Jay maintains that it can vary from meditation to simply asking the question, ” how am I feeling today? to acquire mindfulness. For the third principle, he reverts to the aim of the first principle, which is tracing back to the root of the fear through the means of the fear ladder.
According to Jay, his fear ladder in 2020 is wondering if something bad will happen to his parents. He kept searching for the root of the fear leading to learning that he feels like he is not showing enough love towards his parents; in fact, Lily expressed Jay’s theory hit her hard.
Living intentionally is a very valuable principle, according to Jay. When you are mindlessly scrolling on social media, he advises to check with yourself and ask why you are there. If you don’t have a good reason, then you are living unintentionally. He continues how you do not have to be productive all day but have something worthy to stop emotions from burning you out.
Lily praises how Jay’s book sheds light on dealing with our mental well-being. ‘Think like a Monk’, by Jay Shetty, uncovers the practices Jay discovered through the years when he was a monk, as it imparts knowledge on leading a healthier and happier well being.