On the recent Jimmy Kimmel Live interview, Emma Roberts divulges how her mother, Kelly Cunningham, recently left Emma with no choice but to block her on Instagram. The ‘American Horror Story’ stars’ mother confirmed Emma’s pregnancy on her Instagram.
Emma said: “I was keeping my pregnancy pretty low-key, but unfortunately, my mother has Instagram. Mothers and Instagram is just a bad combination, and she spilled the beans.” Emma jokingly adds how her mother is not as tech-savvy and even up until recently only owned a flip-phone, which encouraged Emma to gift her mother a brand new iPhone for Mother’s Day.
She shares how her mother responded well to the gift, and it was pretty much a “love fest” and the “worse thing” she could ever do. She recalls how her mother, who interacted with Emma’s fans, ended up confirming the pregnancy by responding with, “Thank you so much for the well wishes. We’re so excited.”
Emma expressed how she discovered this on the plane, which left her helpless to respond. Later, when she confronted her mother, who responded that Emma announced it, Emma explained that it was a tabloid. Leading her mother to admit that she must have been confused about the source.
“We kinda laughed, we kinda got in a fight, I blocked her at one point,” said Emma. She added how her mother even checked on her, asking if she had blocked her and how it turned into an ‘Instagram war.’ Despite the events, Emma shares how this would be a funny anecdote to share with her baby. Emma later did confirm her pregnancy to her 14.2 million followers on Instagram around August.