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Did you notice Instagram’s uber creative update?

Your DM game will never be the same

Did you notice Instagram’s uber creative update?

Chalk another one up to Instagram, as the photo sharing platform released a nifty little update over the weekend (subtly killing the game), which is going to make messaging on the platform a whole lot more fun.

Get this, the next time someone sends you picture over messenger, rather than responding with a boring and uninspiring text reply, you can up your game and tinker with the original photo.

How so? You’ll now notice the picture (or first frame of a video) received will now be a sticker in the top right corner, tap it and it will fill the first half of your screen, with your reaction in the second half.

Ohh but that’s not all, as with any other sticker on Instagram, you have a ton of creative freedom. Tilt it, add filters, text, even more stickers, draw on it, and use a bunch of other cool edits.

Love it, and it just screams, how was this not there before?!

The update is just the latest of a myriad of features released over the last few months, and in addition to conversation threads in the comments section (also announced a couple days ago), this is sure to put Snapchat and other messaging competitors on notice (if not already).