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Instagram requires users to submit their birthday

Users will not be able to access the app unless they disclose their birthday and here’s why…

Instagram requires users to submit their birthday

If you haven’t already, Instagram will require you to share your data with the app in order to protect younger users from any adult content or predators. Those who refuse to add their birthday onto the app will be logged out of their account until it is eventually blocked.

A spokesperson for Instagram has stated in an article released yesterday that this feature is to create new safety features for young people, and helps ensure we provide the right experiences to the right age group. This personliased add-on is a forward-thinking initiative which will help to show relevant ads as well as guarding younger users from unwanted contact from older people or groomers.

How does it work?

A pop-up screen will appear asking you to provide your birthday. If you do not submit it immediately, you will begin to notice hidden posts and videos which is a current feature on Instagram but now, to watch the content, you will have to submit the information asked.

But what if users input incorrect data?

Having already worked on the birthday system, Instagram have also said they will be developing new systems which include artificial intelligence to estimate how old people are based on things like “Happy Birthday” posts. The changes they are making now will help the app become safer and more stable in the future with more features to come later on.